Bollywood iconic film Fukrey will clock 10 years on Wednesday. To celebrate the occasion, the star cast of the comedy film reunited under one roof and it was a blast. Actors Ali Fazal, Richa Chadda, Pulkit Samrat, Manjot Singh, Varun Sharma, Priyan Anand and Vishakha Singh came together to mark their presence at the fan screening. Actors Ali Fazal, Richa Chadda, Pulkit Samrat, Manjot Singh and Varun Sharma arrived for the party in matching t-shirts with the caption "Jugaadu" on them. However, it was Richa Singh who stole the limelight by wearing a black t-shirt with the word "Bholi Bhaali written" on it. Apart from the star cast, the film's director Mrigdeep Singh Lamba was also spotted at the party in casual wear.
For the unversed, Fukrey tells the story of 4 boys from Delhi who desire to make easy money. However, they land in trouble when they approach the notorious Bholi, played by Richa Chadha, to invest in their plan.
Husband-wife duo and Fukrey co-stars Richa Chadha and Ali Fazal also posed together cutely for the cameras. Take a look:
Take a look at some pictures from the evening:
Meanwhile, the makers of the comedy film Fukrey 3 announced the new release date on Tuesday. The news was shared by actor Varun Sharma, who treated his fans with a video along with the announcement of a new release date. Sharing the video, he wrote, "The Jugaadu boys are back on 1st Dec 2023 at cinemas near you. #Fukrey3." Take a look:
Earlier, talking about Fukrey 3, Pulkit Samrat shared that he is "super excited" about the upcoming film. In an interview with PTI last year, the actor said, "The script is done and we had a narration. We are all super excited to go on floors. We will start the shooting early next year."
from NDTV News- Topstories
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